lactation & infant feeding

our Breastfeeding support services aim to provide expert advice, education, and practical tips to help mothers overcome breastfeeding challenges and establish a successful breastfeeding relationship with their babies. Because we know breastfeeding doesn’t work for everyone, we are educated on bottle feeding and formulas as well.  

For both mom and labor support person, learn the most up to date information needed for your successful breastfeeding journey. We will cover how to prepare during pregnancy, what to expect at a hospital, the first feeding, positions, hunger cues, and working with your supply. We will also cover pumping, and tips for those returning to work or exclusively pumping.


infant feeding

For many reasons, we know that breastfeeding doesn’t happen in every mom-baby relationship - and that’s okay! We help you with bottle latching, finding the right formula for your baby, and proper sanitization and feeding guidelines.


Education Classes


Birth Pool Rental